Kat Gibson

A portrait photo of a person

Community Gardens Program Manager

(905) 274-6222 ext. 303

Kat is passionate about facilitating connection to self, community, and the natural world through the process of growing food, herbs and flowers.

She holds a Master of Arts in English & Communication Studies from McMaster University and a Master of Education from the University of Toronto.
Their interest in growing food was sparked while working on a community project in Grenada, West Indies, and they have been growing food since they returned home in 2009. They spent two growing seasons coordinating and farming with The Cutting Veg Farm, followed by a season at Everdale Farm.
Throughout 2014, she developed a local-food purchasing policy for SickKids hospital while starting a gardening business at Fresh City Farms, followed by a two-year contract as a project coordinator at South Riverdale Community Health Centre. She is a folk herbalist and creates herbal medicine through her business, Of Earth & Blooms.

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